Search Results
CETSA® MS Proteomics in Protein Degradation Drug Discovery
CETSA® HT, A Powerful Assay for Small Molecule Drug Discovery
Discover the proteome with CETSA® Explore.
Label-free validation of protein degraders using CETSA®
Wubing Zhang and Markus Queisser - Dana-Farber Targeted Degradation Webinar Series
Webinar - Expanding the scope in Drug Discovery with new CETSA®ble targets
Webinar: Biomarker Discovery with CETSA® Explore - Focus on protein status
CETSA® - What, Why and When
Pelago Webinar: CETSA® Explore - a mass spectrometry approach for target ID and compound profiling
Biophysical Approaches to Small Molecule Discovery and Validation
Application of CETSA® to Study the Mechanism of Action of Brefeldin A
Binding of a drug to a target protein: Overcoming the limitations